Thursday, 8 December 2011

Is Your Tinnitus Getting Louder? Here Are a Few Simple Steps to Stop It

!±8± Is Your Tinnitus Getting Louder? Here Are a Few Simple Steps to Stop It

Hearing unwanted ringing, buzzing, whistling, or hissing in the ears or in the head, is a major problem already, and having your tinnitus getting louder is only that much worse. Perhaps it's time to make some changes in order to stop your tinnitus from getting louder.

By definition, tinnitus is when the hearing nerve in the inner ear transmits signals to the brain that were not caused by an external source. Unfortunately tinnitus is very common and occurs in about 1 out of 10 adults, usually favoring those over 40 years old.

There are some simple things that you can do to help stop your tinnitus getting louder.

1.) Relax your stress and anxiety away. Stress and anxiety can play a major part in making your tinnitus louder. Listen to soothing music, follow relaxation exercises, yoga, meditation, or a hot bath. Unwanted stress can cause muscle tension, anxiety and irritability, making your tinnitus worse causing more stress. It's a horrible cycle.

2.) Pay attention to the foods you eat and adjust your diet accordingly. For some people, alcohol and caffeine are causes for their tinnitus getting louder.

3.) Use a noise machine to get more sleep. At night, it's hard to sleep when it's quiet because the ringing may seem louder. Then the next day you're more tired, which causes more anxiety and stress. Lack of sleep can cause depression, negative thoughts, and a result increased anxiety and tinnitus.

Using a noise machine at night while sleeping can help make the ringing sound less isolated making it easier to sleep.

4.) See your doctor. There are a lot of things that cause tinnitus getting louder that your doctor can assist you with. Anything from a head or neck injury, sinus complications, middle or inner ear infection, tumor on the auditory nerve, or excessive wax build up, can make your tinnitus louder.

Also, medication and large amounts of aspirin over a period of time can cause your tinnitus to get louder. Again, ask your doctor.

5.) Use ear protection. Excessive prolonged noise can cause tinnitus and hearing loss, and if you already have tinnitus, can make it louder. Use ear plugs or ear muffs to protect your ears.

6.) Use a hearing aid, or hearing aid with a masking capability. Hearing aids help to hear the normal sounds around you better so that the ringing doesn't stand out and in this case help stop tinnitus getting louder. A hearing aid with masking emits a frequency that helps drown out the ringing.

I hope the information above has been helpful stops your tinnitus getting louder.

Is Your Tinnitus Getting Louder? Here Are a Few Simple Steps to Stop It

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Friday, 11 November 2011

Soundscope - Hearprotection For All Professions and Sports

!±8± Soundscope - Hearprotection For All Professions and Sports

Extended noise can damage your hearing - even short spurts of sound over ninety decibels can have an impact.

The following information should be used as a guide to determining dangerous noise exposure levels.

Noise Level Activity

- 150 dB Most Firearms
- 140 dB Jet Engine at Takeoff
- 130 dB Jackhammer
- 120 dB Ambulance Siren, Amplified Rock and Roll Band
- 115 dB Sandblasting
- 110 dB Woodworking, Motorbike
- 100 dB Pneumatic Drill, Chainsaw
- 90 dB Lawn mower, Shop Tools
- 80 dB Town Traffic, Loud Music
- 75 dB Kitchen Appliances
- 70 dB Noisy and Crowded Restaurant
- 65 dB Conversational Speech

Permanent deafness can occur in as little as 15 minutes with exposure to certain sounds and nearly instantly with unprotected exposure to sounds generated from firearms and certain power tools or driving a convertible. If your hearing is at the mercy of any sounds above 90 decibels, you need to take immediate action to stop permanent hearing damage.

The company Starkey supplies a selection of hearing protection kits for different professions and sports.

They have a selection of six types of earplugs:

1. Solid Earplugs

Custom fit Solid Earplugs provide outstanding noise protection for a spread of recreational and occupational environments. Solid earplugs are offered corded, which can be placed over wearer's neck while not in use, or with a removal 'L' formed handle.

2. High Frequency Noise Filter

Recognized as superior auditory protection devices for a selection of activities. An acoustic filter that adjusts all incoming sound to suitable speech levels. While most hearing protection seals off the ear, effectively obstructing any sound from entering, the High Frequency Noise Filter, or often referred to as the Hocks Noise Braker, lets air and sound thru in a safe, effective way. As a result, the wearer can communicate freely and remain privy to the surrounding environment.

3. Sonic Valve

Provides cosy protection for loud environments. Takes the 'sting' out of gun blast noises and helps reduce 'noise hangover' from loud music. Unlike earmuffs or solid earplugs, the Sonic Valve's open fit decreases high level noises while enabling you to hear the delicate sounds of a talk. Law Enforcement officers, Pilots, Convertible Drivers, and economic workers alike use the Sonic Valve to protect their inner ears from long-lived damage.

4. Musicians Earplugs

For a musician, hearing is not just a way of communication; it's a way of life. Yet incessant exposure to high sound levels can affect a musician's ability to make critical sonic adjustments during a performance. Musicians Earplugs attenuate across all frequencies rather than just low and mid range frequencies, making music more clear and natural sounding. Available with 9 dB, 15 dB and 25 dB filters, depending on use.

5. Floatable Swimmer Earplug

Swimmers of every age and abilities can experience sensitivity to water in the ear. Custom made water-resistant swim plugs offer superior protection and comfort so you can enjoy the activities you enjoy. Floatable Swimmers Plugs are made of super soft hydrophobic silicone material that is available in a variety of colours and can even be made to change color or glow in the dark.

6. Sleeping Earplug

A complement to an ideal night's rest, the Sleeping Earplug is soft to provide a comfortable sleep while effortlessly diffusing background noise. Available in different styles including completely-in-the canal (CIC) and in-the-canal (ITC). Also includes a pull string for easy removal.

Hearing loss could be a direct effect of many occupations, recreational pursuits and general exposure to loud environmental. From specialty custom earplugs to musicians sound attenuators, Listen and Hear protection and enhancement products are the first step in an effective hearing conservation program.

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Tuesday, 1 November 2011

The Disney Princess Mania: Has Disney Taken It Too Far?

!±8± The Disney Princess Mania: Has Disney Taken It Too Far?

Whenever I take my two young daughters shopping, we are bombarded with Disney Princesses around every corner we turn. You can't even go to the grocery store without running into those lovely beauties, even in the checkout line. You name the item, Disney has found a way to license it with their princess brand. Of course you can find a large selection of Disney brand princess dresses and dolls at most toy stores. Now this makes sense. But what about princess mechanical pencils? Or princess ear muffs? Has Disney gone too far?

Most little girls can name all the Disney princesses by the time they turn three, even before they can count to 20 or name their colors. I'm sure you've heard of them... Cinderella, Belle from Beauty & the Beast, and Sleeping Beauty. These three beauties you see together in most Disney Princess photo ops. Snow White, the Little Mermaid Ariel and Tiana from the Princess and the Frog, rotate in and out of the Disney lineup. I guess they are the second class princesses.

Throughout my childhood and early adulthood, I associated the Disney brand with very high quality products. They know how to do it right when it comes to their amusement parks and movies. You just can't beat those Disney experiences. Back 30 years ago, Disney licensed products were much more difficult to come by, and a trip to Disneyland meant coming home with a bag full of wonderful merchandise. What a special treat! These days, a trip to any "dollar store" can result in a bag full of Disney merchandise. How does that affect your Disney experience?

You can now purchase a wide range of Disney Princess merchandise to use from cradle to grave. It is not limited to just princess dresses and dolls for young girls anymore. Literally, you can start off your little bambino with Disney Princess burp cloths and bibs. And as your little one ages, she can purchase Disney pill boxes for those later years of her life. I searched in vain to find a Disney cremation such luck. I was glad to see that they've drawn the line there.

This Disney Princess mania had me searching the web to find the 10 most ridiculous Disney Princess items available. OK, so here we go:

10. Berry bliss lotion
9. Jumbo singing foil balloon
8. Tissues
7. Flavored lip balm
6. Document holder
5. Lanyard
4. Clipboard
3. Snuggies® - Really? Yep!
2. White household glue
1. Beauty & the Beast Eau de toilette for women

We want to hear from you. Do you think that Disney Princess licensed products for just about everything you can buy helps or hurts the Disney brand? Also, what are the most ridiculous Disney products that you can find that are branded with their lovely princesses?

The writer of this article has no affiliation whatsoever with Disney or any of the Disney branded products.

The Disney Princess Mania: Has Disney Taken It Too Far?

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Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Peltor Hearing Protection

!±8± Peltor Hearing Protection

Peltor Hearing Protection is the derogatory term for ear protection. This is a trusted brand for men and a suitable choice for hearing protection for indoor and outdoor activities. In our daily life we ​​are sounds that are damaging to our ears, the roar of the stadium or exposed to the cultural exhibition. Sun protection device must have an ear and hearing protection Peltor is the most popular brand in the market.

They are not only effective but also pocket friendly. It 'ideal for protection of the ear from loud sounds such as those produced by a gun and used by shooters. There are different models of the Peltor muffs. These ear muffs are stylish as well, with headbands or neckbands for those who love to wear a cap. Also the ear muffs with a neck band can be easily folded and carried in your pockets. And for the little ones, Peltor has its own range of junior ear muffs.

They are affordable and you may pick one out of the different models that suits your Needs and requirements. They are ideal for everyday purposes and are easy to carry and use without any complicated control, complicating the already complicated life. If you have a particular desire for hearing protection, as more general requirements, there Peltor hearing protection when using an electric battery for operation. They seem to look like a headphone music, and fashion. Some even come with a built-in radio. So you can actually filter out unwanted noise and strongenjoy the soothing music. A good feature about these ear muffs is that it fades away only the loud unwanted sounds and not normal human conversation- but with it comes the added price, but it's worth it.

These hearing protection are ideal for prolonged use as they have a soft cushion that does not cause discomfort to the ears. So if your hubby has a presentation to prepare or a book to study and you need to hear that metal or rock band of yours at full volume- you know how to go about it. You can let the kids sleep in their bed at the right time while you enjoy your late night cinema with your partner. With Peltor ear muffs, life indeed becomes a lot easier!

Peltor Hearing Protection

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Friday, 30 September 2011

Sleep deprivation sleep disorders Versus - The Top 3 ways to combat the lack of sleep

!±8± Sleep deprivation sleep disorders Versus - The Top 3 ways to combat the lack of sleep

The general rule is that the average adult needs at least eight hours of sleep each night to function effectively during the day. But what happens if, for one reason or another, you do not, the number of hours of sleep that your body needs?

Of course, we wake up irritable, unable to function efficiently, and will not have the "bounce" at every step, you can usually get through the day.

The distinction between sleep deprivation and sleepDisorders

Well, if you have trouble enough shuteye in the night, there are two possibilities: It may be that there are some factors that contribute to sleep deprivation, or you could have a sleep disorder.

Some people go immediately think that just because they end up feeling restless night, is already suffering from a sleep disorder. However, this is not necessarily the case.

Let's say you're not used to sleepTraffic noise right outside your window, this is a simple case of sleep deprivation. Once you eliminate the disturbance of outside noise with ear protectors - then it will again be good enough quality rest at night.

On the other hand, there are some people who, despite having a peaceful, quiet and relaxing in her bedroom - do not seem to get enough rest at night. This is the time that it is possible, with yourThe insomnia caused by mental or emotional problems.

If you think that there is an underlying psychological reason why you can not get enough sleep, then you should immediately seek the help of a professional, so it can be solved.

List the top 3 ways to combat sleep deprivation

As long as there is a deeper reason why you experience insomnia, there are a few ways you can fight this battle. Here are the top three choicesthat you can improve your sleep:

1 Create a relaxing bedtime ritual.

It could be a warm bath, reading or listening to the sound of waterfalls - no matter what type of ritual is that it has, what is important to recognize your body, what they are, so they can relax and help mentally and physically in a night's rest to prepare.

2 Create an environment that is conducive bedroom to sleep.

Keep the room cool,turn off the lights and get comfortable sheets, so that an environment that is conducive to sleeping room can create.

3 Place a TV in the bedroom is never a good idea.

This is especially true if they tend to fall asleep with the television. Once you get some eye closed, but you can still get sound through the TV is still the sound of your brain that is very disturbing your sleep is processed.

There really is no substitute forwith a good night's sleep the night before, so do your best to get rid of all the external factors that cause your sleep deprivation - and always have a good night's sleep.

Sleep deprivation sleep disorders Versus - The Top 3 ways to combat the lack of sleep

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Monday, 26 September 2011

Help for tinnitus - ringing in the ears, removing, dizziness and headaches

!±8± Help for tinnitus - ringing in the ears, removing, dizziness and headaches

Your ears ring to the point that bothers you really bad headaches? This is ringing, buzzing or humming in your head always hard to ignore? To eliminate the problem, first know your enemy. Do you have a condition known as tinnitus. It is the state where you hear a constant sound in his head despite the absence of an external source. Normally it is to remember that the sound is heard after attending a rock concert or hear a firecracker exploded near.This state is with some hearing loss, although there are cases of tinnitus without hearing loss. Millions of people suffer from this condition. People who do not ignore this condition end up getting too excited that they can experience headaches and dizziness. The vertigo is the same headache, or lack of sleep, bedtime when tinnitus during strikes. Tinnitus is usually curable. You can get help for tinnitus depends on the cause.

Tinnitus can be caused bythe problems listed. Help for tinnitus is available for many of these causes.

• Prolonged exposure to loud noise. - Loud noises can kill cells in the ear canal which helps in the negotiation.
• "What's that son?" Age can also cause tinnitus. The deterioration that comes with age also affect hearing.
• ototoxic drugs - drugs such as aspirin can cause tinnitus as a side effect. Some medications are considered ototoxic or bad for the ears.
• Ear WaxOcclusion - There is a ball of wax the size of a raisin in the majority of us. And the raisin bread exerts undue pressure causes tinnitus.
• Head trauma - a blow to the head, above the ear can cause tinnitus.
• ear infections or an acoustic tumor or brain cancer.
• Stress and an unhealthy lifestyle - stress is known to cause much injury. Stress, heart rate and blood pressure. Changes in blood pressure in the head can cause tinnitus. The lack ofExercise contributes to an imbalance in blood flow and a poor diet can cause nutritional deficiency of zinc as a lock.

People seeking help for tinnitus can be achieved through:

• temporarily keep away from loud noises. Buying headphones when they are to avoid loud noises, such as the yard near your office or if your neighbor is a rock star.
• Ignorance is bliss. Thinking or worrying about the sound that just makes it stronger. Many seek helpTinnitus, when this happens. Minor cases of tinnitus can be ignored until they go through the proper use of masks, with cognitive behavioral therapy.
• Follow a healthy diet and regular exercise. Reduce the effects of age. Increase your intake of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B.
• Do not ototoxic drugs, if possible.
• If a tumor is responsible, is an operation of last resort.

Help for tinnitus - ringing in the ears, removing, dizziness and headaches

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Friday, 23 September 2011

The re-branding of Nigeria project

!±8± The re-branding of Nigeria project

Nigeria has over the last twenty years of experience evaluation abyss between the international community. The military leadership and democratic institutions in Nigeria have bitterly poor abroad. The rot of the system caused by high looting left almost all areas of the country in ruins. Different growth rates show that Nigeria is the lowest rung of the ladder. For example, unemployment is high in recent years, caused by a power failure and acuteInaccessibility of capital for entrepreneurs. Manufacturing companies have been closed to churn out millions of people every year. Niger Delta crisis-in-view, damage the country's image abroad. Advance Fee Fraud is increasing, especially with the foreign victims.

Was presented with the image of unfanciful Nigeria, and if you look deep inside, you will find that all the negative stories were made more than a half-truth or Nigeria or not at all true. Thecurrent government is not sleeping at all. The three levels of government recently, the impact on their constituencies. The Federal Government through its seven-point agenda has tried a little ', to give a reason in politics. E 'quasi-state as: National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC), Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON), Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), etc. were the vanguard of fulfilling its mandate.

In the stateLevel of governors have tried to keep its election promises. States like Lagos, Rivers, Delta and Anambra were a model for other governors. Take Lagos for example, in the last three years of the chaotic nature of Lagos to become a semi-London. Lagos Island is adequately developed and radiant, Oshodi, has contributed a new look, along with many other cities in the metropolis. Governor Fashola has within two years of leadership many paved roads, school facilities, providedPipe borne water, provided ICT centers, the pace etc.Due Governor of Lagos State, has other people are competing in terms of ICT development, education, health, roads, etc.

With this latest development is enough to say that Nigeria is at the limit of the Reformation. Position for Nigeria, its position in the community image of the new nation should be washed. This leads to an interesting concept of "rebranding". In a lay mans language rebranding and repackaging of a product. A good productto improve their turnover is re-branding is to attract more customers. Nigeria, which have a bad product, once rebrand in order to improve its image.

Recently, the Minister of Information and Communication of Prof. Dora Akunyili announced the rebranding strategy of the government. The project was launched by President Umar Yardua and $ 1 million has been allocated to it. The announcement brought a lot of media hype, what the media chat, forums and gossip. Some people werewhile others do not support.

Prof. Dora Akunyili in defending the project recognized that the image of the country was in ruins. Imagemaker As head of the government, want the former Nigeria enjoyed a good reputation restored. Their intentions are not to sing the praise, but by their desire, the image of his country, loves his much.Judging so successful in his previous assignment (DG NAFDAC), you realize that they have a strong resemblance to the their country has a lift is worn. As DGby NAFDAC during his many trips abroad, came to the conclusion that there is no place like home.

Since the rebranding project, she and her team have begun to spread the message locally and in the diaspora. The whole world must know some good things about Nigeria: the weather is fine, intelligent people, low taxes, good sights, etc.In their campaigns urged Nigerians to believe in themselves. He said that his main task is that theyto encourage journalists and media organizations, the good things about Nigeria project, while at the same time responsible for reporting the negatives in the system.

One of their other reasons for the re-branding project is to use the land for its strategic location in West Africa in order. They suggested that re-branding Nigeria is a hub for business activities. There are a lot of things, foreign investors can put their capital: agriculture, health, roads, ICT, telecommunicationsetc.

At this point one might wonder if this grandiose project will fall to the asphalt as the project "Heart of Africa". Let me have failed a short lesson of Prof. Dora Akunyili in one of his aspirations in life. He lived a supernatural life. She is a mother of success, teacher success, successful administrator, etc. And 'interesting to know that when she is the most famous woman on the planet Earth, has more than a thousand awards in her kitty. With thisLuck on their side I think the project is successful.

The rebranding project, if pursued, the country attracts foreign grants, loans, technical assistance, goods, etc. The most populous black nation must charge again.We Nigeria Nigeria needs more of us. There should be about what we can to help Nigeria to what we receive from him. It is not in the pack our bags in Europe or the United States to solve our economic problems are WLL, but it will end when we put our time topursuing the things of quality.

The re-branding of Nigeria project

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Sunday, 18 September 2011

Home remedies for sore ears

!±8± Home remedies for sore ears

An ear ache can be a lot of complaints. You can avoid talking, sleeping, and even food. If you suffer from earache pain, it is important that quick relief. Here are some home remedies for sore ears, get help within minutes.

The first thing to do is put a pair of headphones. A band can be a head scarf, headphones or a very simple solution. Many people experience ear pain, because their ears are cold.This should be the first step because it is simple and fast.

Once you have your headphones, you can go on home remedies for sore ears. The simplest method is to use a whole garlic clove and place it in your ear. Many people have been useful. However, it is more effective when you press the garlic oil to the outside, and then hold a pipette with a few drops of oil into the ear.

Garlic contains natural antibiotics, each of which may re-Bacteria in your ear. Garlic is not the only food that contains these properties. You can make similar home remedies for earache pain with onions, radishes, grapefruit and peppermint leaves.

You should also know that your ears need a high content of vitamin C and A, be in good health. You should make an orange or other citrus fruits to eat to get your body the vitamins it needs.

If you can find no relief in this simple way, then maybe you shouldConsider a visit to the doctor. It 'possible that the ear pain is a symptom of a condition much worse.

Home remedies for sore ears

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